Freitag, 25. Januar 2013

Was sind eigentlich Case Studies?


Ein kleiner Einblick in unsere Arbeit


In den vergangenen Wochen haben wir über alle Bewohner des Altenheimes sogenannte "Case Studies" verfasst.
Diese erzählen die Lebensgeschichten der Bewohner unter dem speziellen Aspekt, welchen Einfluss das neu eröffnete Altersheim auf ihr Leben hat.
Wir haben die Menschen (mithilfe eines Übersetzers) über ihr Leben befragt und diese Informationen dann auf Englisch zusammengefasst.
Diese Berichte werden dann alle in einem Buch über das Heim veröffentlicht.
Teilweise sind diese Geschichten wirklich krass und man stellt sich die Frage, wie viel ein einzelner Mensch in seinem Leben erleben und verkraften kann.
Es wird einem mal wieder bewusst, dass wir in einer ganz anderen Welt geboren und aufgewachsen sind.

Wir haben den größten Respekt vor den Lebensgeschichten dieser Menschen.
Hier eine Biographie, die uns besonders bewegt hat:

Mandange Chinnammi 

Is a woman of approximately 70 years who was born in Pedamerangi. At the age of 15 she had to marry her cousin and get pregnant. She gave birth to two sons but both of them died some months after birth. Her husband also died really quick after their marriage because of Tuberculosis. Since that time she has  no support of any family members or relatives. She is living in a small house build by herself after her husband died. It is in a really bad condition, made of wood and old clothes without electricity and water. When she was younger, she earned some money by building houses, but the last five years she did some labor work. She suffers from a really high blood pressure (BP) which is the cause she often feels weak and has headaches. This health problems caused her accident last year. While doing her work, she fell to the ground and broke her nose. Because of her financial situation, she was not able to go to a hospital for medical treatment, so she still has a small hole above her nose and is not able to work any more.
From the government she gets 200 Rupees retirement pension. Furthermore she gets some support from the people living in the village. To life her live without starving she needs to sweep and work in some households. In return she gets some food from the house owners.
In addition, her eyes are really bad. She can't see properly and since the last few months she is completely blind. In our eye-camp on December the 7th the “Sightsavers” offered her a free operation in Visakhapatnam. Since that day, she is able to see again.
Her feelings about the home for old people are really positive as she depends on this institution. She can talk about all her problems and needs to the other members which is really good for her mind and soul. She also enjoys to get some snacks and chai tea everyday.
In her whole life she had to deal with many different problems.
Her family, especially her father, was really violent and aggressive towards her, and she did not have luck with her husband and her children .
At some point in her life she had the feeling god does not like her.
She also felt like she had no luck in her whole life – until now!
This home for old people is the first time she thanks god for her life.
It´s the first time she gets that much support from others, for example the health check up's, the eye- camps and our transport to the hospital where she got treated to reduce her BP.
All of this made her really happy and she is very thankful to have this opportunity in her life now.

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